Soon a new day will start. The alarm is about to go off in a few minutes. Not even today do I understand their purpose, I always manage to wake up a few moments earlier just to stop it before it rings. Today however, I don’t feel like lifting my arm to accomplish this feat. Yesterday, I felt I should do something a bit out of my daily routine, so I went jogging in the park… big mistake!
I am so tired I hardly remember what day it is… actually I don’t. My decision is final, while slowly turning on my other side; I banish any such insignificant thoughts.
In the background somewhere I hear a sound; probably my cat, a lot less sleepy.
But, ah… how sweet it is to just lie in bed and enjoy a few extra moments of twilight. It’s perhaps not this sweet all night, maybe since now I am conscious of it all, or is it just laziness?
Colored circles, triangles and stars, I couldn’t adore geometry more – in my dreams. I still hear some funny noises around, very vague, but they persist. Damn cat! Sleeps all day, did it have to take a brake just now? Outside it starts to thunder, and then follows the rain. Now this weather will surely keep me sleeping all day long, not that it were different in any other kind of weather.
BAMMM!!! Out of nowhere…a terrible noise. Who am I kidding? It’s my adorably annoying neighbor, starting of the engine of his old relic. I guess he’s off to work. Oh, and there goes his arch enemy, my other favorite frustrated neighbor, screaming and shouting like every god-given morning that she’d buy him a new car if he’d demolish this one… sweet immunity. All this time I had the chance of getting more than used to all these small ‘gestures’ so that I don’t even move an eyelid when they occur.
At home, they were all a usual thing, although it’s anything but normal, one would say, to bear with loud-mouthed neighbors and romantic music in the middle of the night, followed buy even louder screams… oh, but you can imagine of what kind.
So the car finally takes off, slowly proceeding on the rained on streets in a remarkably familiar rhythm…maybe cha-cha? Soon nothing can be heard in the street except for the even stronger falling rain. My little cat still can’t find it’s place, so it seems… but it all seems so quiet, so peaceful, and in just a few second the alarm will go off; one sound, so usual, but still so damn mind-scratching! But in today’s plan I will give this neuron killer no chance what so ever. Today I am in no disposition, nor do I have the strength to lift but one figure. My best case scenario for today is to end it as it began… with me in bed, sleeping.
Although it’s not in my ‘nature’, today I will allow myself to miss classes too. The university is far too far today, and not even the subway makes a difference. Today, whatever it may be, I will not react. But wait, today is Saturday. Courses weren’t in the plan. So then what was? Sleeeeeeeep? No, no, no! something’s not really in it’s place, I just can’t put my finger on it. I seem to forget something…it’s not of little importance, and I don’t know what. I never kept an agenda of my appointments and schedule; I was always too incompetent for that, and this is the reward.
I somehow manage to remove my sleep-wrinkled face from the pillow and I look around the small apartment room. I see my desk, and my night stand full of pictures of my friends back in
As I sit on the side of the bed, my little cat looks up to me. Next thing I know, she is bundled up next to me purring. A particular song comes to my mind, one played by Clayderman. With the effect of a lullaby, the song takes me back to sleep.
The door squeaks… my eyes race open. This is not right! I feel my heart pounding in my throat… I sprang out of bed; my heavy feet seemed they had wings all of a sudden. I run to see what caused the noise; it was the bathroom door. This officially ruined it…I was wide awake. It was too good to be true. I go back and threw myself on the bed in anger. As I am about to close my eyes, I smell something… a smell so fresh and sweet. I turn my head, and there it was. In all it’s beauty… I blush easier than ever. An iris flower, with a small birthday card: “happy birthday!”
I just couldn’t believe it! He did it! He always promised me a different kind of surprise. He told me I was mostly unaware of the things going on….he was right! I will never try to disprove him again. The door to the building closes with a bang. I jump to the window. A large umbrella…it was still raining. I grab my phone and call. He hangs up. Then the man with the umbrella turns…”five minutes” he shows me, holding up his hand,still dreamy, mature and kid-like. I couldn’t help but smiling.
For this kind of events I never needed an agenda…I always had friends. The next five minutes were a blur. I just knew I was next to him walking along under the umbrella. I also felt a bit of a conspiracy with nature…the rain soon stopped and the golden rays of the sun made it up for every single drop of rain…
3 days ago
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