(NEVER LET A KID READ THIS!!! it's the sickest thing I ever laid on paper!)
Suicide? Social, political, financial, artistic... can't think of more, so don't be a critic. I wish my end, I wanna go. God! Seal the deal; I'm not waiting for the next meal. Window seems tempting... but I fear heights! Knives? They freak me out, can't stand the sight. Drowning...no, I still want air. Then pills? Too expensive, I don't even dare.
All you good people help me out, NOW! Please kill me...I'm gonna have a cow!
I'm sick, can't anyone see? I wanna go, finito, dead... Leave not! Please, bear with me. God's a fool, he let me live, in this enormity, when I'm just a chif! Just a straight fool, have no intention, Yet he gave me riches beyond all discretion.
My childhood was great, I was a happy child, mother and father, both loved me like wild.
Later in school, I was a prince, not once did I see detention, not even a glimpse...
In high school, I was famous and hansom, girls would swarm, oh, they'd pay a ransom.
College was a handful, but I made it through, I just played football, isn't something new.
My child you're yawning, do I bore you? The time you lost here I now somehow owe you? But they sent you, to listen, they pay you to listen! To a mad man's babble as his eyes still glisten.
You come to listen, and then decide, whether it's worth living or if I should die.
Surprised child? Why is that? Just because I'm mad, I don't get a fact?
The fact is I killed. Oh yes i did... but not by myself, with that monster, in my head.
You see dear child, I'm an old man, the monster however, has still, more than one plan.
I just wanna go, I wanna be dead, or that monster, you see, he'll want to be fed.
He ate those neighbors too, you see.
The wife was a delish, I couldn't stop him, I only wish...
What I wish dear, but I told you, I want to die, hit the ground, not mortify.
No more darling, you pretty little thing... cheeks so red and that sweet little grin.
How young you are dear, too young to talk, talk to a mad man, too young...and no luck.
Where are you going dear, you still have to write, you still have to listen, promise... I won't bite!
You wanna know why? You didn't write that... You wanna know why?
I killed to have more! I stole, I lived, and then I stole out of bore. She found out, the wife, you see! She told me like you did: Mad man you be!
The rest, you know, its history, now I crave to steal some more, but only to kill me. No, I'm wrong, I'm wrong my dear, kill what? Yes, the monster in me!
So as you leave and I go to my cell, I think, it'll all be well. I'll feed my pet monster, just as it asks, all the bitter bon-bons I hid in a rack.
It's hidden, you see, it's hidden well, only I know and the monster from hell. I still see you leave through the iron bars, my dear you were rude, not even as you left did you salute.
No matter! My monster, your hunger is big, and goodies I now bid... So we'll eat 'till the end, rejoice with this feast, so eat as we die, my monster,
Schatz, deine Short Stories sind das Schoenste was ich je gelesen habe. Sie beruehren einem, sie ziehen dich hinein und lassen dich in das Geschen eintauchen...Ein kleines bischen Neid uenerkommt mich wenn ich deine Werke, die nur als Kunst beschrieben werden koennen, denn ich wuerde so gerne auch ein solches Talent haben wie du es besitzt...
Lange Rede kurzer Sinn, ich finde du soltest einen Verlag suchen, denn alle wuerden, meinei Meinung nach, deine Short Stories veroefentlichen wollen! ;)
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